The Facts of Life for a dropout...

High School Drop-Out Fact Sheet


·      Each dropout costs taxpayers $292,900.00 over their lifetime

·      Dropouts earn an average of $10,000.00 less annually than graduates

o    That’s over $500,000.00 lifetime 

·      80% of those incarcerated do not have a high school diploma (

·      Over 7000 students drop out of high school every day

·      The total economic cost is over two trillion dollars each year.

·      88% of students were passing all their classes the day they drop out.

·      The 2021 graduation rate was only 85.3%

·      Over 30% of dropouts live below the poverty line

·      Government studies show that most dropouts want a second chance

·      Dropouts have a life expectancy 9 years less than graduates

·      Homelessness is much higher for dropouts

·      Less than 30% of available jobs will accept dropouts for those positions

·      Dropouts commit about 75% of the crimes in the United States

·      Nearly 2000 high schools in the US have a graduation rate of less than 60%

·      Dropouts account for nearly half of Welfare recipients

·      Dropouts have a higher instance of drug addiction than graduates

·      Dropouts cannot join the military without a GED or High School Diploma

We can do better. With your help and our expertise, we can reduce the dropout rate and we can reduce the effect of dropping out for those who still choose to do so.


Greg Stacy